Sustainability, transition towards low-carbon economic development and social mobilization against climate change require experienced profesionals who guide society, throught communication, to an enrichment of values and positive experiences about the preservation of the environment.

Highlightting the importance of their contribution with small gestures to fight climate change along with showing public and private initiatives that supports their mitigation contributions is considered a key process of LIFE FOREST CO2 project to influence society and main stakeholder. This goal is partially articulated throguh action E4, focused on dissemination and creating awareness among forest professionals and society, and which is developed by most of Project beneficiaries until its closure in December 2019.

Since Project start, in January 2016, more than 50 communication activities, including workshops, seminars and lectures, organized by both associated and coordinating beneficiaries in numerous regions of Spanish and French territory, involving more than 1.500 participants from forestry and environmental companies, college and professional training students and professional associations.

In addition, indirect communication has played an important role, through numerous dissemination materials (leaflets, posters, technical brochures and other support materials). Also, media, of particular importance in today’s society has allowed to the Project partnership to reach a bigger audience. Thus since Project start, 8 specific Newsletter has been disseminated among more than 4,000 readers, and more than 170 news have been generated in national, regional and local media.

Bellow, you can find a gallery of images, including some of the most representative activities LIFE FOREST CO2 implementation in these three years of activity.